Weight Converter

Weight Converter

Pounds to Kilograms Converter
Conversion Result:
Kilograms to Pounds Converter
Conversion Result:

How to Convert Pound to Kilogram?

Easy and fast lbs to kg conversion. lets 1 pound (1-lbs) is equal to 0.45359237 Kilogram (kg)

1 lb = 0.45359237

Mass=m , kg=kilogram, lbs= pounds

m(kg) = m(lb) X 0.45359237

Pounds to Kilogram Table

Pounds (lbs)Kilogram (kg)
0.1lbs 0.045359237 kg
1 lbs0.45359237 kg
2 lbs0.90718474 kg
3 lbs1.360777111 kg
5 lbs2.26796185 kg
10 lbs4.5359237 kg
20 lbs9.0718474 kg
50 lbs22.6796185 kg
100 lbs45.359237 kg

The lbs to kg converter is one of the best conversion tools for converts the pounds to kilograms with one click. Here you can convert both pounds to kilogram and kilograms to pounds within second.

The pounds basically used for United states (US) measurement unit its represented with symbol “lbs” and kilogram is popular mass unit its internationally used for weights measurements. Its denoted by symbol is “kg”. Here you can easily convert the kg to lbs with complete calculations and formulas.

How lbs to kg Converter Works?

There are few important steps for convert the pounds to kilograms are given below:

Step 1: Enter the weight number/value in kilograms to put into measured box.

Step 2: Click on the Convert buttons the tools get the formula pounds (lbs) to kilogram (kg) and convert into pounds

Steps 3: When you clicked on convert button and see the output below box:

Conversion Formula

Kilograms = Pounds X 0.45359237

Conversion Example 1

Let’s convert the 150 pounds (lbs) to Kilogram (kg).

  • Input: Enter 150 lbs pounds in input area/field.
  • Conversions: simply Clicked on “Convert” Button.
  • Conversion Formula: The above converter implement this formulas for converting the pounds to kg.
  • Kilograms= 150 X 0.45359237   
  • Output:  The converter show the output is 68.0.8968 kg
  • So the final results of this conversion is 150 lbs = 68.0389 kilograms
Pounds to kilogram conversion


The pounds to kilogram converter is powerful tool that used for convert the weight measurements in pounds (lbs) to kilogram (kg). it provides the fast and convenient to convert the two units conversion for measurement.

Yes, this converter give the Extact conversion on pounds to kg but if your not agree with online tool then you can manually convert the lbs to kilogram (kg) with using standard conversion factors like (1-lbs = 0.45359237 kg) . Also you can use the conversion table are given above.

Yes, this pounds to kilogram converter gives the 100% accurate conversion based on standard conversion factors between ponds to kilogram. the variations in conversions factors may exist in different contexts, but the convertor typically use standards conversion factors for general accuracy.

Yes, you can use the ibs to kg convertor for any weight measurement which expressed in ponds and kilograms. And you are also convert person weight in ponds to kilogram and kilogram to ponds. Its easy to convert any weight pond to kilograms.

Yes, many ibs to kg convertor tool is free to use online. You have to access the weight convert ponds to kilograms online through websites.

because both units are commonly used for measuring the weight and convert into pounds to kilograms and kg to lbs its parts of world.

No, this tool is there no limit for converting the any size of units of pounds and kilograms.